Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons

Seria: Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry
Do pomalowania figurki Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons potrzebne będzie w sumie 26 kolorów farbek:
• 9 kolorów Citadel Base
• 11 kolorów Citadel Layer
• 1 kolor Citadel Technical
• 1 kolor Citadel Dry
• 4 kolory Citadel Shade
Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons – kolory Base
Catachan Flesh
Dryad Bark
Khorne Red
Rakarth Flesh
Runelord Brass
Steel Legion Drab
Warplock Bronze
Zandri Dust
Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons – kolory Layer
Baneblade Brown
Bloodreaver Flesh
Brass Scorpion
Cadian Fleshtone
Gorthor Brown
Knight-Questor Flesh
Runefang Steel
Screaming Skull
Ushabti Bone
Wazdakka Red
Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons – kolory Technical
Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons – kolory Dry
Terminatus Stone
Horns of Hashut Demolisher with Crushing Weapons – kolory Shade
Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil
Reikland Fleshshade
Seraphim Sepia