Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne

panmodelarz.pl 3 tygodni temu

Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors

Seria: Warhammer 40,000

Do pomalowania figurki Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors potrzebne będzie w sumie 16 kolorów farbek:

• 5 kolorów Citadel Base

• 7 kolorów Citadel Layer

• 1 kolor Citadel Technical

• 3 kolory Citadel Shade

Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Balthasar Gold


Rakarth Flesh

Steel Legion Drab

Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors – kolory Layer

Dark Reaper

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Fenrisian Grey

Fire Dragon Bright

Pallid Wych Flesh

Stormhost Silver

Sycorax Bronze

Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors – kolory Technical

Stirland Mud

Kabal of the Osidian Rose Kabalite Warriors – kolory Shade

Carroburg Crimson

Nuln Oil

Reikland Fleshshade

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