Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne 2 tygodni temu

Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade

Seria: Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry

Do pomalowania figurki Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade potrzebne będą w sumie 23 kolory farbek:

• 8 kolorów Citadel Base

• 10 kolorów Citadel Layer

• 1 kolor Citadel Technical

• 4 kolory Citadel Shade

Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Dryad Bark


Mechanicus Standard Grey

Naggaroth Night

Rakarth Flesh

Retributor Armour

Steel Legion Drab

Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade – kolory Layer

Baneblade Brown


Eshin Grey

Flayed One Flesh

Genestealer Purple

Gorthor Brown

Liberator Gold

Pallid Wych Flesh

Stormhost Silver

Xereus Purple

Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade – kolory Technical


Khainite Shadowstalkers Slaughtershade – kolory Shade

Agrax Earthshade

Coelia Greenshade

Druchii Violet

Reikland Fleshshade

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