Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne

panmodelarz.pl 3 tygodni temu

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius - The Tyrant of Cthonia

Seria: Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

Do pomalowania figurki Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia potrzebne będzie w sumie 27 kolorów farbek:

• 8 kolorów Citadel Base

• 14 kolorów Citadel Layer

• 1 kolor Citadel Technical

• 4 kolory Citadel Shade

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Averland Sunset

Celestra Grey

Khorne Red

Mephiston Red

Rhinox Hide

Steel Legion Drab

Waaagh! Flesh

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia – kolory Layer

Cadian Fleshtone


Doombull Brown

Eshin Grey

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Screaming Skull

Skarsnik Green

Tuskgor Fur

Ulthuan Grey

Warboss Green

Wazdakka Red

White Scar

Wild Rider Red

Yriel Yellow

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia – kolory Technical

Stirland Mud

Lord-castellan Evander Garrius – The Tyrant of Cthonia – kolory Shade

Agrax Earthshade

Biel-Tan Green

Drakenhof Nightshade

Nuln Oil

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