Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne 15 godzin temu

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead

Seria: Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Do pomalowania figurki Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead potrzebne będzie w sumie 30 kolorów farbek:

• 8 kolorów Citadel Base

• 16 kolorów Citadel Layer

• 1 kolor Citadel Technical

• 5 kolorów Citadel Shade

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Celestra Grey

Incubi Darkness

Kantor Blue

Naggaroth Night

Rakarth Flesh

Steel Legion Drab

Stegadon Scale Green

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead – kolory Layer

Alaitoc Blue


Eshin Grey

Flayed One Flesh

Gauss Blaster Green

Genestealer Purple

Hoeth Blue

Kabalite Green

Karak Stone

Pallid Wych Flesh

Sotek Green

Temple Guard Blue

Ulthuan Grey

Ushabti Bone

White Scar

Xereus Purple

Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead – kolory Technical


Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead – kolory Shade

Biel-Tan Green

Coelia Greenshade

Druchii Violet

Nuln Oil

Reikland Fleshshade

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