Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne 12 godzin temu

Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen

Seria: Blood Bowl

Do pomalowania figurki Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen potrzebne będą w sumie 24 kolory farbek:

• 7 kolorów Citadel Base

• 12 kolorów Citadel Layer

• 1 kolor Citadel Technical

• 4 kolory Citadel Shade

Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Castellan Green

Grey Seer


Naggaroth Night

Steel Legion Drab

Zandri Dust

Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen – kolory Layer


Eshin Grey

Genestealer Purple


Loren Forest

Runefang Steel

Screaming Skull

Straken Green

Tallarn Sand

Ulthuan Grey

White Scar

Xereus Purple

Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen – kolory Technical


Naggaroth Nightmares Linemen – kolory Shade

Agrax Earthshade

Athonian Camoshade

Druchii Violet

Nuln Oil

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