Hand of the Archon Archsybarite jakie kolory farbek będą potrzebne

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Hand of the Archon Archsybarite

Seria: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Do pomalowania figurki Hand of the Archon Archsybarite potrzebne będzie w sumie 26 kolorów farbek:

8 kolorów Citadel Base

10 kolorów Citadel Layer

1 kolor Citadel Contrast

1 kolor Citadel Technical

6 kolorów Citadel Shade

Hand of the Archon Archsybarite – kolory Base

Abaddon Black

Kantor Blue

Khorne Red


Rakarth Flesh

Runelord Brass

Steel Legion Drab

Warplock Bronze

Hand of the Archon Archsybarite – kolory Layer

Alaitoc Blue

Brass Scorpion

Dark Reaper

Evil Sunz Scarlet

Fenrisian Grey

Hoeth Blue

Pallid Wych Flesh

Stormhost Silver

White Scar

Wild Rider Red

Hand of the Archon Archsybarite – kolory Contrast

Hexwraith Flame

Hand of the Archon Archsybarite – kolory Technical

Stirland Mud

Hand of the Archon Archsybarite – kolory Shade

Agrax Earthshade

Carroburg Crimson

Drakenhof Nightshade

Druchii Violet

Nuln Oil

Reikland Fleshshade

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