Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons

Seria: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Do pomalowania figurki Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons potrzebne będzie w sumie 21 kolorów farbek:
• 7 kolorów Citadel Base
• 10 kolorów Citadel Layer
• 2 kolory Citadel Technical
• 2 kolory Citadel Shade
Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons – kolory Base
Abaddon Black
Balthasar Gold
Bugman’s Glow
Khorne Red
Steel Legion Drab
The Fang
Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons – kolory Layer
Cadian Fleshtone
Eshin Grey
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Fenrisian Grey
Kislev Flesh
Russ Grey
Stormhost Silver
Wild Rider Red
Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons – kolory Technical
Nihilakh Oxide
Meatfist Mawtribe Ogor Gluttons – kolory Shade
Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil